1M – Quiz 1

Quiz 1M 1, Chiropractic Assitants (CA) practice for certificate exam

Every one has a different learning style… what is yours? Discover what your style is, and stick to it! Thirty minutes of study each day is better than two hours on the weekend.


  • Focus…. put your cell phone away!
  • Get your resource materials organized.
  • Study every day.

If you have further questions, please contact Dr. Dombrowsky at drd@proimaging.us.

For further study hints to to https://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/health-and-support/exam-prepara.

Short Multiple Choice Questions
There are ten questions on 1M-Quiz 1. If you answer correctly, your answer will appear in green highlight. If you have answered incorrectly, your answer will appear in red, along with the correct answer, which will also appear in green. Click on the arrow in the blue box at the lower right of the form to progress to the next question.

Optional Signup and Quiz Results
At the end of your quiz, you will have an opportunity to sign up for our newsletters with more quiz options and other helpful information on chiropractic radiology. After clicking the signup submit button or clicking on the option to skip sign up, you will be taken to your quiz results, with the number of correct answers you achieved.

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