Case 2 Lower Back Discomfort
32 year old female presents to a DC office complaining of non-specific LBP. No prior history of trauma, surgery, carcinoma or corticosteroid/opioid regimen.
What is your diagnosis? (mouse over for answer)
Did you see the increased vertical striations of the L2 VB?
Gas and fecal material obscure this region. Minimal, antherolisthesis of L3 on 4 is present.
The SI joints show sclerosis predominantly right sided.
Vertebral hemangiomas are generally asymptomatic , incidental findings on lumbar radiographs. It has been conjectured that a change in activity, beginning to exercise may herald the onset of clinical signs & symptoms. Aggressive hemangiomas are generally located between T3-9. 210.1016/j.jcm.2012.10.007
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